Low Fiber Diet

General Information:

A low-fiber diet will make your stool less bulky. As needed, your doctor may recommend that you do not eat certain foods because they are not digested as easily and completely as other foods.



Type of Food

Bread Avoid coarse, dark whole-grain bread and cereals, use only white or refined bread and cereal products.
Fruits Bran; any course cereals.
Desserts Any dessert with nuts or dried fruit, rich puddings or cake.
Fruits Limit fruit to juices without pulp (excluding prunes), canned fruit, ripe bananas; do not use stewed or canned berries; most raw fruits with skins should be avoided such as dates, figs, apples, blackberries, blueberries, peaches, grapes, boysenberries, pineapple, rhubarb, grapefruit, oranges.
Meat Avoid tough meat with gristle or fat; allow ground or well-cooked, tender beef, lamb, ham, veal, pork, poultry, fish, organ meats, eggs and cheese.
Vegetables Limit vegetables to the following: vegetable juices without pulp, lettuce, and cooked vegetables (asparagus, beets, green beans, seedless tomatoes, spinach, eggplant), and acorn squash without seeds.
Miscellaneous Avoid peanuts, coconut, seeds, nuts, popcorn and dried beans, peas.
Milk & Milk Products Limit milk and milk products to 2 cups daily.