Anal Fissure

General Information:

An anal fissure is a small tear of the skin at the opening of the anus. It is common in infants, young children, and the elderly. Stretching of the anus from a large or hard stool usually causes f’lssures. Children with anal fissure may cry during a bowel movement and may try to hold back the stool. Most anal fissures heal by themselves. If it does not heal or recurs, you may need an operation to remove it.


  1. You may use medicines that you can buy without a prescription. Take only as directed by your doctor.
    1. Hydrocortisone cream helps to relieve irritation.
    2. A numbing ointment helps to relieve pain.
    3. A stool softener prevents constipation until the fissure heals.
  2. Do not use any suppositories, enemas, or laxatives without your doctor’s advice.
  3. Sitting in a tub of warm water helps relieve pain. Fill the tub with warm water. Add 2 tablespoons of table salt or baking soda. Sit for 10 to 20 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day. Don’t use any soap on the irritated area. After each bath, gently dry the anal area.
  4. To prevent constipation, eat high fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, oat and bran products, brown rice, and whole grain breads. Drink plenty of liquids.
  5. Remain active. Bed rest does not help this condition. Physical activity helps prevent constipation.

Call If:

  1. Bleeding from the rectal area increases in amount of occurs more than 3 times, or blood is mixed throughout the stool.
  2. You or your child develops a temperature.
  3. The anal fissure becomes more painful or is not improved after 3 days of treatment.